Please read this information about the our program for the 2024-2025 season carefully. This page has everything you need to know to make this an amazing year of musical growth!
Quick links: Overview | New students | Calendar | Schedule | Tuition | Location | Absences, illness, notices
Program overview
We have two programs that run in parallel:
- YAPCA chamber program - These are small ensembles playing well-known works from the classical repertoire - quartets, trios, etc. - with expert coaching.
- Young Artists Orchestra (YAO) - This introductory orchestral experience is intended to introduce young musicians to the skills of playing in an orchestra in order to prepare them to play in larger advanced orchestras.
The program to which your student is assigned depends on their level of advancement and interest. Students find that both programs are fun, a great way to meet new like-minded friends, and of course, to advance their musical skills. Please discuss with either of the music directors if you have questions about your child’s assignment.
New to YAPCA?
If you are thinking about joining YAPCA or want to see if it’s a good fit for you, our rough guidelines are:
- Strings - It’s best if you have a a private teacher and have been studying long enough to read music fairly well. Either way, we will set up a meeting either in person or by Zoom to hear you play a little bit. This will help get you in the perfect section.
- Winds - You probably need to be playing at least a year to get the most out of YAPCA. If you’ve been playing between 1-2 years, we will schedule a meeting to check where you are and possibly hear a little of your playing.
If you wish to register still for the 2024-2025 season which is now underway, please email us at [email protected] for next steps.
2024-2025 calendar
We divide the year into two terms - a Fall term and Winter term. Please mark your personal calendars so that you do not miss a rehearsal or concert.

Fall term
- Weekly sessions every Wednesday evening: September 18, 2024 to November 27, 2024
- Plans for October 23, 2024 are still to be determined.
- Winter Concert: The Winter Concert date is December 4, 2024 at 6:30 PM. Please mark your calendars now. 100% participation of our young artists is essential.
Winter term
- Weekly sessions resume on Wednesday evenings: January 8. 2025 to April 2, 2025
- March Break: March 14, 2025 - no rehearsal
- Spring Concert: The Spring Concert will be held on April 2, 2025 at 6:30 PM. Please mark your calendars now.
The schedule for the 2024-2025 rehearsals:
- 5:00 PM - 6:15 PM - orchestra and chamber rehearsals
- 6:15 PM - 7:30 PM - recital, chamber music rehearsals continue for students in the chamber program
Please arrive for rehearsals early enough to unpack your instrument, tune and organize your music so that we can maximize our learning and playing together. Whether you are in the chamber music rehearsals in the second half of the evening, please stay for the recital each week. It’s an opportunity to support all of the players.
Annual Tuition for the 2024-2025 season
- Orchestra only $420
- 1 chamber music class $570
- Orchestra plus 1 chamber music class $830
- 2 chamber music classes $950
Tuition may be paid via e-transfer to [email protected]. If you prefer to pay by personal cheque, please bring a cheque written out to “Young Artists Pre-College Academy” on the day of the first rehearsal. Please contact us at [email protected] about a fee reduction if you have multiple children participating.
Tuition is non-refundable after September 1.
Our rehearsals will be help at Central Secondary School located at 509 Waterloo Street in London. This is a new location for us; so give yourself a few extra minutes the first few rehearsals, especially the first, so that you arrive on time.

Absences, illness and notification
Your participation is critical to maintaining artistic excellence. Your colleagues are depending on you. Please do not miss rehearsals for upcoming school examinations; instead, try to plan your schedule enough in advance that this sort of absence is not necessary. Let this sort of time-management exercise be your superpower!
On the other hand, if you are ill, please do not come to rehearsal. It’s not worth the risk of infecting your colleagues who are playing alongside you in close quarters.
You are free to wear a respiratory face mask for COVID-19 risk mitigation; but it is not required.
If you must miss a rehearsal or concert for any reason, you must let us know by emailing us at [email protected]. Do not simply tell your coach or conductor “I’m not going to be here in two weeks.” By emailing, you create a record and a way for us to let your coach or conductor know.